你好。記住開門?好吧,它的續集,Splitgate 2,剛剛被揭露,定於2025年到達。


如新鮮PlayStation博客,,,,Splitgate 2將於2025年到達,並且由於預算更強大和開發人員的陣容,它將以原始建設為基礎。

"We launched the original Splitgate with 20 people, none of whom had ever made a game," 1047 Games CEO Ian Proulx writes, "Thanks to passionate players, the early success of Splitgate led us to investments that have enabled us to grow our team. I'm proud to work alongside seasoned industry veterans from Riot, Ubisoft, and many other developers responsible for some of my favorite games. 1047 Games is no longer a handful of college grads hoping the servers don't crash again. We're a team of seasoned gaming veterans making a AAA shooter that we hope will surprise, amaze, and excite you."


這款新的案件肯定聽起來像是遵循原始的Mutiplayer射擊遊戲藍圖,但Proulx強調,它仍然是新鮮的,它是從Unreal Engine 5中建造的,具有全新的角色模型,新的地圖,新武器,新武器,甚至是新的門戶牆壁和門戶”。

雖然沒有單個玩家廣告系列,但1047 Games還僱用了一位作家來建立Splatgate Universe,而他們的作品進入了Digital Splitgate 2 Lore漫畫,您可以通過遊戲的網站以及今天發布的Splitgate Companion應用程序。

1047 Games似乎還取笑了,我們將很快獲得有關該遊戲基於派系的多人遊戲的更多詳細信息。

SplitGate 2將在2025年在PS5,PS4,Xbox系列X/S,Xbox One和PC上發布,讓我們知道您是否在下面炒作!