
By Kathrine


  • Star Wars Day Game Deals

  • The crafting table upgrade screen in LEGO Fortnite, where you build upgraded tools

  • The player approaches some cows and chickens with a Pumpkin in hand in LEGO Fortnite

  • A village in LEGO Fortnite.


Star Wars Day Game Deals

The crafting table upgrade screen in LEGO Fortnite, where you build upgraded tools

LEGO versions of the Brite Bomber, Fishstick, Peely, Cuddle Team Leader, Raven and Beef Boss Fortnite skins


塑料工廠| 最好的樂高堡種子


詹姆斯·比克利夫(James Billcliffe)

Lego Fortnite Frost Roller: A Lego man in a black cloak is running across a snowy plain, in between two Frost Rollers

Lego Fortnite balloon: A group of Lego villagers is gathering in the middle of a village square with crafting resources in hand

Lego Fortnite malachite - A lego man in a dark cape is walking across a frigid tundra, with ice cliffs looming in the distance.

The grill menu in LEGO Fortnite, with the recipe for crafting Grilled Meat open on the page.


什麼是廚師? | 樂高堡配方清單



The building menu in LEGO Fortnite constructing a Grill for cooking food


磚自助餐| 如何在樂高堡烹飪食物和吃飯

無論是為了康復,飢餓還是一頓美餐的樂趣,這都是在樂高樂高樂園(Lego Fortnite)做飯的方法!

詹姆斯·比克利夫(James Billcliffe)

Power Chord standing next to the Village Square where you make upgrades in LEGO Fortnite

A player faces a cave in the Dry Valley biome in LEGO Fortnite

Fortnite Chest Cheese image

Lego Fortnite glider: A lego woman is sitting near a campfire with a look of satisfaction on her blocky face

Lego Fortnite metal smelter: A Lego man in a black cloak is standing near his village center.

A LEGO Fortnite character stands by the village square and surveys the world from a hilltop.

A village in LEGO Fortnite.

Lego Fortnite copper: A Lego man in a dark cloak is standing on a patch of dusty ground, staring into the burning, unforgiving depths of a lava cave

Lego Fortnite brightcore location: A lego man stands in a patch of dirt and looks toward the horizon, where the desert awaits.

The player speaks to Aura, one of their villagers, in LEGO Fortnite




凱爾西·雷諾(Kelsey Raynor)

A LEGO Fortnite avatar celebrates the imminent move-in of NPC Sparkplug while standing near the village square.

The player looks at a mob of enemy villagers in LEGO Fortnite

Power Chord exploring LEGO Fortnite with 10 extra hearts and 13 armor



裝備這些強大的魅力和圖騰,以在樂高樂高樂園(Lego Fortnite)獲得額外的心臟和防禦性裝甲!

詹姆斯·比克利夫(James Billcliffe)

Some characters building in LEGO Fortnite.

Power Chord mining an outcrop of Amber in LEGO Fortnite

Power Chord standing next to a pile of Flexwood in the Dry Valley in LEGO Fortnite

Power Chord standing next to a Ruby outcrop in LEGO Fortnite

Power Chord collecting a shard of Obsidian in LEGO Fortnite

airship in action in Lego Fortnite

Power Chord standing next to some raw marble in a cave in LEGO Fortnite

Power Chord standing next to some Knotroot in LEGO Fortnite

A trio of LEGO characters ready up to join a world server together in Fortnite.


在一起更好| 如何邀請樂高堡的朋友



Power Chord placing a lumber mill for crafting planks in LEGO Fortnite

The player faces their base and a crop that is growing in a Garden Plot in LEGO Fortnite

The player digs soil using the shovel while near some chickens in LEGO Fortnite




凱爾西·雷諾(Kelsey Raynor)

The player chops down a tree using a Forest Axe in LEGO Fortnite

Two LEGO characters stand near a crafting bench in a rudimentary shelter at night.


良好的開始| 如何在樂高樂高樂園建造製作長凳

在樂高樂高樂園(Lego Fortnite)中盡快構建工作桌的工作越來越聰明,並優先考慮建立工作桌。


The LEGO and Fortnite versions of the Explorer Emilie skin.


磚塊| 不要磚頭 - 樂高堡現在已經出來了

球員可以從今天開始與朋友一起跳入樂高堡(Lego Fortnite),並與朋友一起探索生存分拆。

康納·馬卡爾(Connor Makar)

The LEGO and Fortnite versions of the Explorer Emilie skin.